Tuesday 2 July 2013

Dandelion Flower

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Wallpaper name: Dandelion Flower

Category:  Flower

Added on: 2 JULY 2013

Tags: Flowers Dandelion

Description: Download Dandelion Flower HD & Widescreen Flower Wallpapers from the above resolution. It is 1920 x 1080 px Wallpaper which may fits perfect to your desktop.You can download original by clicking the image or by opening it into new Tab.

Dandelions evolved about 30 million years back in Eur-asia. They've been used by humans for food and as a herb for much of noted history. Here are some interesting facts about the flower.
The name dandelion is extracted from the French word “dent de lion” which means lion’s tooth. 
Dandelions have one of the lengthiest flowering periods of any flower.
Its Seeds tend to be carried as much as 5 miles from their origin. 
The dandelion flower opens to greet the morning and closes after sunset to go to sleep.
All the parts of the dandelion is beneficial leaves, flower and roots. It is used for food, medication and dye for coloring.


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